Brunton’s Otoscope or Speculum Auris

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Med Diagnostics - Brunton’s Otoscope or Speculum Auris.png

Brunton’s Otoscope or Speculum Auris

Sale Price:$0.99 Original Price:$4.99

Brunton’s Otoscope consists of a cylindrical body or tube , in the proximal end of which is located a magnifying lens, while at the distal extremity, tubular ear specula of graduated sizes may be attached.  Near the center of the tube lies a perforated mirror, place at an angle of 45 degrees and reflecting such rays of light as are collected and concentrated by a bell-shaped projection connected by a side opening with the interior of the tube.  The magnifying lens, perforation in the mirror and opening of the speculum, are all aligned about the central axis of the instrument to provide an unobstructed view.  Brunton’s form may be used with natural or artificial light.

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