Tiemann & Co.’s New Tonsillotome - circa 1868

Surg - Tiemann & Co.’s New Tonsillotome - circa 1868.png
Surg - Tiemann & Co.’s New Tonsillotome - circa 1868.png

Tiemann & Co.’s New Tonsillotome - circa 1868


Tiemann & Co.’s Tonsillotome may be held in a position to address the to suit the right or left tonsil.  Its user requires but one hand and one motion, leaving the other hand free.  It is not automatic - every part of the operation is done and watched by the intelligence of the operator.  When once applied to the tonsil, only the closure of the scissors handle is required to simultaneously seize and then excise the gland.  Subsequently the gland is withdrawn and by opening the handles the tonsil is released.

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