Instrumentation directed at clinical measurement to assist in arriving at a diagnosis, and to provide a means for monitoring treatment. Ushered in the modern era of physical diagnosis and ergo, clinical medicine.
With the advent of electricity came a plethora of novel and often ridiculous electrical apparatus to address every imaginable condition and disorder.
The application of dry and/or cold heat was a common treatment for dysaesthesiae and spinal irritations
Early hypodermic syringes were difficult to clean and service until they were made entirely of steel or glass.
During 1778 Dr. Edward Jenner of England discovered the cowpox virus to be a smallpox virus preventative without the dangers imposed by collection from a pox pustule and henceforth, ushered in the era of vaccination.
Sir William Harvey considerd bloodletting to bave a most salutary effect in many diseases and felt it foremost among all general remedies.
Throughout the 19th century, medications for respiratory disorders were conveniently administered via inhalers.