Mercury Tannate
Mercury Tannate
A testimonial for Tannate of Mercury in The British Medical Journal, July 24, 1866, read as follows: “when acting as house-surgeon at Guy’s Hospital, I treated all cases of syphilis at the out-patient department with this drug, in order to test its efficacy. An account of my cases appeared in the Medical Times and Gazette for December, 1885. I found the average dose to be 1.5 grains t.i.d. taken one hour before meals. This was sufficient, in most cases, to subdue symptoms. One patient, a flute-player, even at this dose, was unable to blow his flute, on account of sponginess of the gums. Strong healthy men could take 2 grains. It is by far the best preparation of mercury for specific treatment. Yours, etc. J. Inglis Parsons, M.D., Assistant-Physician to Chelsea Hospital for Women.”