Emmet’s Ovariotomy Trocar

Gyn Utr Ovariotomy - Emmet’s Ovariotomy Trocar.png
Gyn Utr Ovariotomy - Emmet’s Ovariotomy Trocar.png

Emmet’s Ovariotomy Trocar


Thomas Addison Emmet (1828-1919) was an outstanding American gynecological surgeon, a disciple of Sims, who is credited with the design of a great many gynecologic surgical instruments. 

Ovariotomy trocars may be either straight or curved, sharp or blunt-pointed, and with or without sac-holding clamps.  They may be employed to empty a cyst of its fluid contents, and thus reduce its size so that it may be withdrawn through an abdominal incision.  Escape of fluids back into the abdominal cavity being prevented by the presence of a rubber hose attached to the trocar through which fluid is conveyed to a proper receptacle.


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