Duffin’s New Shield Pessary

Gyn Utr Malposition - Duffin’s New Shield Pessary.png
Gyn Utr Malposition - Duffin’s New Shield Pessary.png

Duffin’s New Shield Pessary


Francis Paul Duffin’s New Shield Pessary was developed in 1831 to support the uterus in cases of prolapse by means of a cup that rested against the cervix and fixed to a shaft by means of a screw thread. The shaft terminates in a broad shiel-shaped base with a ball-in-socket pivot toaccommodate for movement of the uterus.  The stem length could be adjusted as the condition improved.  The shield being pressed externally against the perineum and labia, and retained firmly in this situation by a thick T-bandage of cotton.  The pessary is best made of ivory, but for economy bone or boxwood were substituted.

       - Medical Gazette for March 26th, 1831.

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