Kingman’s Uterine Repositioner
Kingman’s Uterine Repositioner
“In this instrument, a straight bar of steel, working in a tube transmits the power from one rack an pinion to another exactly similar at the uterine end. The two ends always remain parallel, the external tip serving as an indication of the position of the uterus. The instrument is reversible, with a hard rubber tube placed over the articulated end it becomes a rigid handle if desired. Thus, ones operating hand receives prompt notice of any adhesion or resistance and the can be no excuse for using undue violence. One of the intra-uterine tips is straight and rigid, the other, Dr. Emmet’s jointed pattern, isadapted to the canal when flexed. This instrument is of great value for replacingand holding the dislocated uterus during firm packing to effect complete and proper repositioning.” - A.S. Aloe 6th Ed. c.1890
A scarce but typical example by Boston maker Codman & Shurtleff. FC.