Goodell’s Uterine Dilator

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Gyn Utr Dilators - Goodell’s Uterine Dilator.png

Goodell’s Uterine Dilator


Goodell’s Uterine Dilator differs materially from most in that the blades expand parallel to each other by means of an actuating cross-bar joint.  The advantagebeing that it secures dilatation of the external os without greater dilatation of the internal parts.  The lateral surfaces of the blades are corrugated to avoid slippage.  Employed when a large curette, ecraseur, or finger needs introduced into the uterus.  It was preferable to employ two or three sizes of smaller instruments prior to inserting Goodell’s, which in turn is expanded.  The thumbscrew is rotated from time to time over the course of hours.  The principal objection to this form of dilation is that the pressure is confined to the lateral surfaces of the cervix and, therefore, may lead to laceration.  Accordingly, if success is not had then a hystertome is called for.

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