Sims on Simpson’s Uterotome
Sims on Simpson’s Uterotome
“For the operation of incising the os and cervix uteri, we are indebted to Dr. Simpson. By his method…the operator places his patient on the left side, introduces the index finger of one hand into the vagina, pushes the fundus uteri upif it be anteverted, passes his uterotome along the cervix through the os internum, springs the blade, and withdraws the instrument, cutting open one side of the cervix; then reintroducing the instrument, the other side is cut in like manner, allowing the index finger to be passed to the os internum;…and then passing a large camel’s-haiir brush, saturated with a solution of perchloride of iron into the cavity.” - Marion Sims - Uterine Surgery 1858