Sims’ Uterine Vulsellum Hook

Gyn Utr Forceps - Sims’ Uterine Vulsellum Hook.png
Gyn Utr Forceps - Sims’ Uterine Vulsellum Hook.png

Sims’ Uterine Vulsellum Hook


James Marion Sims (1813-1883) devised his vulsellum hook for the removal of intra-uterine vegetations, tumors, fibroids and polypi. The addition of a bulbous ebony guard proximal to the double vulsellum hook at the distal end allowed for the instrument to be drawn back without snagging adjacent tissues. A fine and rare example of Sims’ Uterine Vulsellum Hook by New York maker W. F. Ford, FC.

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