J.N. Guilbert’s Vaginal Speculum c. 1826

Gyn VS J.N. Guilbert’s Vaginal Speculum - c.1826.png
Gyn VS J.N. Guilbert’s Vaginal Speculum - c.1826.png

J.N. Guilbert’s Vaginal Speculum c. 1826


In 1826, J.N. Guilbert published “Considerations pratiques sur certaines affections del’uterus en particulier sur la phlegmaise chronique ave engorgement du col de cet organe et sur les advaantages de l’application immediate de sangsues methiquement employees dans cette maladie.”   Therein he describes a special speculum , a funnel shaped tube, with a “special handle opener” for this purpose as illustrated by the Parisian instrument maker Henry in his 1825 catalog. 

A superb example of this exceptional and rare transitional formmarked ‘Lesueur A. Paris’,  accompanied by the firm’s hallmark.  VFC

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